

It is the ambition of the Pooja Kajal Foundation to provide safety and opportunities for underprivileged children in Dehradun, India. The foundation is in the Netherlands and collaborates with the Rural Development Institute (RDI) of the Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust (HIHT). We are aware of the cultural realities in India and prepared to learn from experience, after listening to and documenting the wants of the children. We work in close collaboration with our local supporters: in mutual respect, trust and accountability. We communicate openly, honestly and in a clear and transparent way, foremost to ensure the children of the Pooja Kajal Foundation are able to create their own opportunities in life.

Project Implementation and Financial Support

The three board members will focus on project implementation and financial support and will do what is needed to provide the children involved with basic healthy nutrition, health and general education and integration within the HIHT community. We offer care for the children whose parents work regular or irregular schedules and need safe and trusted care for their children. It is our goal and mission to facilitate this.


The Pooja Kajal Foundation has no political and religious affiliations. We look beyond this. This guarantees our independence and the freedom to provide the necessary help.

The overall goal is, to get as much support as needed and indicated by the Pooja Kajal Foundation to create opportunities in the life of underprivileged children.

Our objectives are transparency and accountability so that interested supporters and donors will know how their money is or will be invested. We guarantee the existence of the organization by permanent fundraising activities, personal involvement (visits) and proactive problem-solving.

Pooja Kajal is always looking for supporters and life changers to contribute.

Meet Our Team

Ashna Indira Sookha

Coach and Trainer in Child - Family Services

My name is Ashna Indira Sookha.

I am often asked why our Foundation is called The Pooja Kajal Foundation. Though it sounds random, I can assure you it's not. I have a background as a professional coach and trainer in the Child Care section. So, when I was receiving treatment - at the Aryuvedic Center at the HIHT, I noticed two girls following me on my afternoon walk. So I followed them at dawn. They were walking aimlessly. I thought about my life and drifted away to their life and future. What is it going to be for them, if they are not in school but hanging and begging around. I decided to make a difference there and then. Not only for them but also for the other unserved and underprivileged children. It was a profound and pivotel moment in my life and I hope in theirs as well.

Their needs surfaced as eye catchers in the very setting. My awareness grew and as a mother and professional coach and trainer in the Child Care Section, I knew I could make a difference. Pooja and Kajal......nothing random about it.

Bianca van Gelder


My name is Bianca van Gelder, 55 years and already working for 30 years in the financial services. Recently, I joined the Pooja Kajal Foundation as their new Treasurer. I admire the Foundation’s mission to provide a safe and healthy enviromnent for those in need. Therefore, with my professional experience and intrinsic motivation to help people, I hope to make a worthy contribution to this mission.

Reshma Sookha

MSc. Communication Science

Communication and Humanitarian initiative support. India lover.

Ever since the existence of the Pooja Kajal Foundation I’ve been active behind the scenes. Joining as board-secretary was really a no-brainer for me. For the past ten years I’ve been active in the field of Human Rights concerning South-Asia and recently South-East Asia. In my work I’ve seen that the balance between education, sustainability and economic conditions matter to the quality of Human Rights. Today more than ever this balance matters for future generations. For me the Pooja Kajal Foundation is the place to start making positive changes.

Isabelle Hamminga

Hotel School, Hospitality manager
Co-treasurer and general affairs

I visited Dehradun in 2019, never have I imagined the impact it would have on me. The instant connection with the Flying Birds children and the community is one to cherish.

With me taking seat in the board of the Pooja Kajal Foundation, is really the way to contribute in creating a sustainable climate for the children and community.