Ashna Indira Sookha
Coach and Trainer in Child - Family Services
My name is Ashna Indira Sookha.
I am often asked why our Foundation is called The Pooja Kajal Foundation. Though it sounds random, I can assure you it's not. I have a background as a professional coach and trainer in the Child Care section. So, when I was receiving treatment - at the Aryuvedic Center at the HIHT, I noticed two girls following me on my afternoon walk. So I followed them at dawn. They were walking aimlessly. I thought about my life and drifted away to their life and future. What is it going to be for them, if they are not in school but hanging and begging around. I decided to make a difference there and then. Not only for them but also for the other unserved and underprivileged children. It was a profound and pivotel moment in my life and I hope in theirs as well.
Their needs surfaced as eye catchers in the very setting. My awareness grew and as a mother and professional coach and trainer in the Child Care Section, I knew I could make a difference. Pooja and Kajal......nothing random about it.